Our ECO Commitment

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Presenting a continuous improvement with mindful choices and commitment to move to a sustainable model whilst taking a holistic approach, through the choice of materials we use, the warehouse we live through to our logistics and crew.  

The importance of fostering change is at the forefront of our minds. By focusing on extending our furniture’s life via repair and reuse to resale and donation. The introduction of HI. Design represents this improvement with an in-house design and build team.

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We understand the challenge and acknowledge perfection is a long way ahead. We embrace the journey as we are dedicated to improving every day, taking each step further toward our goal of sustainability leaving a positive impact on the planet.

Our commitment to people is at the core of everything; our team, clients, suppliers, and the community we operate in. We’re all about a respectful and supportive environment, always tuning in to your needs and acting on them.

Our social responsibility isn’t just a promise; it’s a guarantee. We’re here to create and maintain a workplace where everyone’s voice is heard, and needs are met. 
